Safety Moment
With the site starting to get more vertical with the decks being formed, make sure all proper fall protection is in place, like handrails and harnesses.
Since the last update, we are completing the finishing touches for the west-half of the Level 1 deck for the concrete slab. The reinforcement and MEP subcontractors have both been on site installing rebar, conduit, and pipe for Level 1.
We have almost completed the raker bracing along the southeast wall. All the rakers have been installed and the excavation subcontractor is removing soil to prepare the area for the final section of the mat slab.
Upcoming events:
Complete the west-half of the Level 1 slab deck and pour the slab on September 4th. This will be another early pour with set-up beginning at 4 AM.
Complete the raker bracing area and pour the mat slab on September 4th. This pour will be in conjunction with the Level 1 slab pour.